Thursday, June 20, 2013

Cooper Babysitting

The boys were tired of their 100lbs Chihuahua jumping on them, so they crawled into his travel crate. I thought it was just too funny and cute to not take a picture. And on a positive note the house stayed clean longer... ~*giggles*~

I just recently figured out where the information on this site was (how to access). Many things have happened in the life of our "Furr-baby". His first birthday was good, instead of a birthday cake he got birthday steak. We teased him around Halloween when he hid behind our legs (he's not that little, and was peaking to see if we'd save him) because of a five-year-old girl who wore an alien mask (he should have been born with feathers not fur). He still loves his job to "wake the kids" (he flea bites, pulls off covers, and licks faces until they get out of bed). He's growing into a gentleman as we work on sitting when we see humans (to prevent excitement and jumping issues). Sometimes we forget he's the "dog" since he's become a huge part of our lives and family.


As of late, he's become my walking partner in the evening. I pop on my headphones (to prevent others from trying to stop me to talk)... and we walk laps where we live. It gives my husband time alone to bond with his boys while we try to keep in shape. Cooper is starting to learn how to behave and listen to my commands. I celebrate in his intelligence and ability to pick up on what you want him to do (even if it is a clearing of the throat, snapping your fingers, or whatever instead of the actual command). Lately, I've been making kissing sounds when I want him to keep up in walking instead of sniffing and holding me back in my power walk. I'm hoping that will go over on nature hikes in the future when he's behaved enough to be "off leash".

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