Saturday, December 31, 2011

Yes… Yes… YES!!!

Cooper got up from what he was doing, went to the front door, yelped than rang the bells… he had to go potty!!! I am extremely pleased to say that he went pee and poop!!! He’s done this on a smaller scale a couple of times before, but I figured he wasn’t “getting it” because he’d than be in the middle of playing toys and try to piddled (got him picked up before anything happened, but I know a squat when I see one).

Saturday, December 31st, 2011

Three Cheers for Cooper!! Hip hip… Hoorah!  Hip hip… Hoorah!  Hip hip… Hoorah! 

I will be happy if I see a lot more where that came from!!!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Feeding Schedule

With Cooper going on an actual feeding schedule, I’m noticing he has more “puppy breath”, which I absolutely adore…

On a bad note, he’s not used to not having access to food, and it’s killing me that he’s now actually begging for human food (which he didn’t do before). I was cooking dinner (Dirty Rice with hamburger), and he was under my feet, instead of playing toys with the kids (whimpering and begging like he was starving). And I know that I am not doing him any favors if I give in, so I refused to make eye contact, and my best to ignore while keeping those “mom thoughts” to myself. I clenched my teeth to keep from doing the, “Awe”, and possibly giving into the “furr-person”! Much like getting shots, or other aspects, what is best for him out weighs the emotional aspects.

Why does he have to be so cute?

He keeps returning to where the bowl was, like an Alzheimer’s patient, where only a water bowl sits. I figure that since I’ll be adding hot water on the food when he is fed, I can hand wash it each time, and just leave it up on the counter. He happens to be down on the floor, where he has no clue where I’ve moved it; only that it has vanished… and raises a fuss in hopes that it will magically return.

W~E~L~C~O~M~E… to 7:30am, noon, and 6:30pm. And the daily diet allowed split into three ziplock baggies (labeled). This is so much different than what I grew up doing or seeing, we always left food down 24/7 to keep them from scarfing and barfing (they’d eat when they were hungry). I feel like I am being mean by keeping food from him, than again my human kids are skinny as a rail, so I’ve not even encountered this type of situation with even them. And the treats he has gotten (Milk-Bone Puppy with Omega and DHA), he eats it down as if he hadn’t eaten in a few days!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

First Veterinarian Appointment

Today (Thursday, December 29th, 2011, and officially 8 weeks old), Cooper had his first appointment! I explained where we are now, from the trying to stop the nipping, to potty training (using the crate). Very informative!!! And I was told if I have future questions, to go ahead and call or come in, and they can answer them.

My biggest concern was that Cooper has his second set of shots (next appointment), before his “puppy classes” start, because those are required (and already paid for).

Cooper is healthy, only concern is that he is “over weight”. Which I honestly didn’t see, but it was explained to me, and we talked about his diet. I was under the assumption that he have all he wants, for the first three months of life, than it is portioned and scheduled feedings. Apparently his breed is known for being “lil’ piggies”!

I honestly didn’t notice he was becoming a “Butterball”, “Rolly Polly”, “Chunky Monkey”, or even “over weights”… he is currently 12 pounds and 12 ounces!

We checked the website, for his food (we threw away the bag after filling the container), and ended up calling them directly. The woman stated he can have up to three cups for his age, but she recommends only two cups if his Vet. Is stating he is on the heavy side (his parents are about 50-60lbs each, but than again they are active, and he is confined more until more shots). And I have to for now on factor in his food portions if he gets a treat too (treats will only be used during his puppy class).

Monday, December 26, 2011

Cooper Claims Car seat

Our son had graduated from his car seat, with the attachment piece I used to make the seat belt fit, but California laws state he must be 8 years old or 4feet 9inches (he got a booster). I am not much taller than the requirements in California, and can’t help but wonder how long until I’m forced to drive wearing a booster myself…

Cooper claimed the car seat as his own when I swapped it for Tyler’s new booster!!!

~*Monday, December 26th, 2011 *~

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Leaf it to Cooper

Coopers favorite thing these days is to romp in the leaves, chew on those spiky balls that fall from the tree, as well as chew on sticks and dirt. He is all B~O~Y… and seems be gaining in energy during his waking hours.

~*Merry Christmas*~… Sunday, December 25th, 2011

Friday, December 23, 2011

Potty Bells

~*Jingle Bells*~

I got the bright idea, after seeing how others have bell trained their dogs, to try and do the same with Cooper… I made it before we ever brought Cooper home.

I took a piece of ribbon out of my junk drawer, added bells, folded it into a cylinder, sewing it all together with cloth in the center. I know it looks a little feminine, so I bought some more bells at Kmart for $2.99 (and than 50% off).

So, now when he is about to go out, we ring the bells, say “potty”, and hope he will in due time give us humans a clue… than like friends and family that have done in the past, all we have to do is keep an ear for the bells (hope it works)! ~*Cheers*~

Thursday, December 22, 2011

I am Learning (Slowly)

Tonight we went to the pet store, to look for a “potty training” book, and maybe find a better treat. I was hoping to find a “Potty Training for Dummies”…

We also looked into the classes they offer, in hopes they were the same thing offered at another from the same chain (Petsmart), but without having to drive that far away! I liked the fact that classes are only $15 each, and that they are trained professionals. I signed Cooper up for actual puppy classes (which include potty training), scheduled for after his second set of shots.

I learned a lot, love how they are attentive to the pet, and I gathered a few tips before the class starts. I was asked how I handle when he has a “mistake” (potty inside), and I am on the right track! But my biggest tip actually came from the cashier, and when he nips me to yelp (she did one as an example), and why they do it.

I can thank Petsmart for my first “kiss” since he’s been home! Once when he was about three weeks old, and we went up to check on the litter, I got a kiss (which is when I fell in love, kisses and puppy breath). I almost wanted to cry, because all I’ve gotten are teeth, and I was at my ropes end. I GOT KISSES… I got kisses… I got kisses…

Only now I have to hope when the neighbors hear us (family with five humans) “yelping”, they don’t think the puppy is the one doing it (we don’t hit him). And while in public, I don’t look like too big of a fool… but when they bite each other while still in the litter, they yelp, which lets them know the biting hurts. Which has made a much bigger difference than me trying to swap out a toy for my flesh. With as much help as they’ve been I can’t wait until his classes start. I’ll be there with a note pad to take notes, hubby is doing them with me!

And we were advised to stop using potty treats... which is exactly what the breeder told us. I'm slowly learning and grateful to be getting help!!! I just hope that Cooper is smarter than I am in this process and picks it all up as we progress.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Made First Veterinarian Appointment

We stopped by the veterinarian’s office late this afternoon. Good thing we had stopped in, to schedule his appointment, because I would have never known there was more to the whole “puppy package”. Apparently they need a stool sample (gross), but it tests for a wide range of things. She explained that the dog could make our kids sick, and that is never something that had crossed my mind…
(Currently using this one)

In the process we let them know the treats we were using for potty training, and how we’ve been reading the packaging, and how some were not for “puppies” (like the jerky from Costco). They let us know how the ones we’re currently using can cause diarrhea… ~*Eeww*~

(Switching to this one)

We were told the “jerky” types were actually better, and I found one that is soft enough for him, natural as possible, and after cutting into tiny pieces it’ll hopefully work better. This is still a learning process for me, and I will be writing down a ton of questions for his first appointment! Such as if he can have rawhide or bones, the sales clerk stated he couldn’t (and that we should even buy the rope toys because the kids might hurt his baby teeth).

Cooper will have his first appointment on December 29th… hope all goes as well as the kids’ dentist appoints had today!!!

I Got 4 Hours of Sleep

Since Cooper has been home, he is only down for a couple of hours at a time, much like dealing with a newborn. Last night I did like I had the night before, doing all he needed to just before I laid down, and he actually ended up giving me a full four hours of sleep! Which I needed to recharge!!! I’m hoping he’ll eventually find his own schedule, where he is awake more during the day, and sleeps more at night. I’m fully aware that it will take time. I was just hoping that like some dogs can instinctively smell when a person is afraid (pheromones released), that Cooper would be able to smell I am really tired and wanted to sleep. No such luck as I try and get him to chew his toys instead of my fingers (at 2am)…

Cooper’s First Toy

My husband chose to have Cooper’s “first toy” be a duck (and it quacks), because Cooper’s daddy is a hunter. I think it is a really “cute idea”, even if the biggest job in life is to simply potty outside. I can’t imagine him being much help when my husband goes deer hunting or fishing.

Wednesday, December 21st, 2011… ~*Happy Hanukkah*~

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


My son has been bugging me, because he doesn’t think puppy breath is so cute, to bath the puppy. I’ve been avoiding it, aside from the fact that it isn’t easy to bath a pet, because I happen to adore puppy breath. He’s even turned to me to say, “mom I think you might want to take a bath”, because I smell like the dog! I’ve had worse on me when they were all little.

Cooper didn’t take too well to his bath, and I’m thinking it might be wise to make it a weekly thing/event… maybe every Sunday?

I Freaked Out...

I purposely woke up Cooper, to drink and eat, and potty before I laid down myself last night. I did it with the frame of mind that I could steal more sleep for myself like when my own kids were tiny.

Before I knew it, it was 1:15 am, and I was awakened by the television. I got up, walked over to the crate, and tried my best to not make a sound to see if he was still breathing! I used to do the same thing with my children when they slept. After seeing his little chest move, I quietly walked back to bed, and quickly fell back to sleep after my mind was set at ease.

Shortly after 2am, I heard the whimpering of the little guy, and I sprung out of bed (now sleeping in my clothes so he doesn’t chew my sleeping husband again, his hair), over to get ready to take him out. Which basically means I throw on the sweater, which has puppy bags in one pocket, and treats in the other, and get my shoes on as fast as I can. Than remove him from the crate, put on the leash, and head directly out so he can do his business. I like being as prepared as I can so it goes smoother and faster.

This morning, I saw dog poop close by my door, and know it wasn’t Coopers (we pick up all his messes, and started buying refill baggies), and freaked out!!! When I came back inside, I started to look up Parvo and doggy diseases. With people having absolutely no regard for where people live, walk, and possibly have their own dogs…

In a panic, I bought potty pads, which I quickly learned was a mistake? I ended up chatting with the woman at the bank, who’s first dog was born like ours, in the puppy enclosure than the kennel with heating lamp. She explained that they are easier to potty train, and go outside, because of the start they have… and potty pads were futile! I even tried to catch some of his tinkle on a pad, because he started to actually hold it in, and would only go if I took him outside.

The idea of what others can give him, and possibly end up killing him, has me so freaked out that I even bleached his toys after I bought them before he ever played with them. I’d rather have a few faded toys than harm the new puppy (we have too much invested)… that only faded the eyeballs on his lizard, and all squeaky parts are fully functioning! ~*Smiles*~

But the whole time all I could think was, “what is wrong with people”, that they can’t pick up after their pets? Part of having a pet is taking care of all the odds and ends, just like human kids. I never threw my children’s diapers around, or by where people walk by and live, so why would they in turn just leave a doggy doodle by where I live and breath? The woman at the bank has me a little at ease, because it is unlikely he’ll catch a horrible disease, and we do live in a nice neighborhood… so I shouldn’t be as worried as I seem to be.

Monday, December 19, 2011

We survived the first night...

Much like when I had my first son, no one warned me about being woken up in the middle of the night. First Cooper was the “midnight monster”, I placed him back in his crate, and soon he was the “2am Tyrant”, and again by three am I was out of cute ways of coping with him stealing my sleep. Good thing is, I had three human kids, and still have “mommy ears”. Which basically equates to the fact I wake up to noises while my husband and three human sons sleep through me freezing outside.

And to make matters worse, I am on day one of a cold, all in the nose/head, with a slight fever. So between him waking up various hours of the night, and this cold wiping me out, I’m not above a nap if the human kids would settle down? Reality is, I can’t sleep during the day because of my kids, and at night Cooper is waking me up. Only difference between him and my kids is that instead of being warm inside making a bottle, I am stuck outside where it is freezing while he goes potty… and he has been absolutely amazing so far in doing his business and getting back inside! But keep in mind this is just night one, before I’ve had weeks of sleep deprivation, and I remember all too well with my human kids.

I can’t seem to get out of my head what his life span would be. Before leaving with him, from the breeder, I asked what the average life span is. He stated, and has many years of experience (he’s a doctor), they live between nine and thirteen years. I kept thinking of how we previously thought that the boys would all be moved or moving out when that time comes. Now we have to think that the youngest kids will be in high school when we possibly loose this fur-person that is just entering our lives. I can’t help but feel a small sting of sadness as he licks my face and leaves puppy breath. I just want to make sure that each year counts!!!

Last Night

Last night was the first with “Cooper”, showed him his crate where he quickly fell asleep, than the boys climbed in with him. And after the car trip, which he did not like at all, I can’t blame him! We had to stop and get him a halter and leash, few toys, and huge bag of food.

When Cooper woke up, his first potty was a family affair! We all walked with him, watched, cheered, and than his “potty treat”…

I know this is gross, but… his first potty!!! He tinkled, outside!!!

Cooper walked a little more, being as cute as he can possibly be. We are all aware that when he wakes up he needs to go out, when he eats or drinks he needs to go out, and we do the bells by the door in hopes he’ll in the future let us know when he needs to go potty. I just hope he is smarter than us, because this is my first time doing potty training with a dog.

I did my research, asked those that have done it, and “crate training” is the best. Plus the breeder let us know, echoing back what I read, so I figured we had to be on the right track. We are not under any illusion he’ll magically be trained, we’re expecting some bumps in the road, and know we have two years of the “puppy stage”… I live in a house of all boys, I’ve already resigned to the fact I’ll be too old to enjoy owning nice things, and that my boys never truly grow up.

First Steps of the Journey

Meet “Cooper”, the child that took thirteen years of begging my husband for, and two human kids later!

We had a small search, many phone calls, and it was love at first sight when we saw the litter for the first time! Cooper has four brothers and four sisters (litter of nine, 5 male, 4 female). And he had a really great start, with a breeder that is amazing!

His father is well trained, and hunts just like my husband, and Cooper’s mom is the biggest sweet heart…

The hardest choice was picking which puppy was going to enter our lives and family.

For many years my husband would buy me a stuffed animal, or a ceramic dog that looked realistic, but this is the first time our kids have had the real thing. I grew up with my home looking like a zoo, and had a wide range of pets. It has been so long since I’ve had a dog in my life, that even though he is for the kids, I have been excited!!!