Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My Cooper

I am still working with Cooper, mainly with his manners, and to heel. I now make it a point to at least once a day, throw some treats in my left pocket, and take him out so he continues to retain what he’s learned this far. And with any luck, maybe he’ll become more rooted and behaved!!!

I want to get through our summer vacation before I look up and commit to any new training… thinking more about the few I learned about from the dog park. But I want to first work with him on my own.

  • Sit
  • Down
  • Leave It
  • Drop It
  • Heel (with “Side”)
  • Sit and Stay
  • Down and Stay
  • Cooper Come
  • On Your Bed
  • Shake
  • High Five

These are all the commands he actually knows… but he needs to get more rooted in them (with distractions).

I was excited to learn which place to look into so Cooper can do volunteer work!!! Maybe when both kids are in school fulltime, him and I can start making a positive impact?

Monday, June 25, 2012

Cooper the Scaredy Cat

Cooper is no “Guard Dog”… normally he is excited, and running around the front door smacking us with his tail when we get home, but this time hubby was sadistic? He rang the doorbell, than unlocked and opened the door, and the dog was hiding clear across the room behind the couch.

Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry for the lil’ guy…

He was literally scared, hiding, and once he realized it was his people he warmed back u to his normal self. But we all came to the realization that he is never going to be much of a guard dog or protector! Cooper thinks he is a Chihuahua, thinks he is smaller than he is, and he loves to leap into your lap and be loved (he has the mentality of a Purse Puppy)!

Saturday, June 16, 2012


I now have the fixed ProCollar on him, his halter, and tied the normal collar that goes into the inflatable one tied back to his halter… I WIN… I WIN… I WIN

I needed to think of a way to keep the portion of this ProCollar that velcro shut on the back of his neck (and out of his mouth)… and keep him from pushing the whole thing forward enough to bite and chew off… I am crossing fingers that this works!

I actually think this one is better than a normal cone, because he can eat and drink, without me holding his bowls… but it truly should have a better rubber inside, and material outside (he managed to make a hole through both with adult teeth). I can’t leave him free while waiting for the glue to dry on the cone I got today (does work better if collar not the tie they put on it).

.-*- .-*- .-*- .-*- .-*- .-*- .-*-.

I texted hubby:

Me: I WIN… Fixed the inflatable than tied it back onto the halter to keep away from his mouth… I WIN

Hubby: We will see I wouldn’t bet against Cooper

I Will Win...

I glued the hole in the inflatable collar...

Gorilla Glue is a housewife's form of duct tape!!!

I found the receipt from hubby last night... collar lasted half a day!

Cooper is already working on chewing up the new collar I snagged at his doctor's today... s I plan to cut off the chewed part, glue the flap down with Gorilla Glue, and use the other in the mean time.

I will win... one way or another... and how pathetic is my life that I need to "win" against a dog. I don't know who has the thicker head... him or I???? Marley (the movie) has nothing on Cooper

Spoke too Soon (!!!)

Cooper managed to pop a hole in the inflatable collar (ProCollar), which is no surprise, and the pet store cones (hard plastic) were a joke to put it kindly. They do not attach to anything, and snap together, which is comical when dealing with a real dog. I wish they had dogs like mine when testing things.

Short of placing him in his night time crate, with various ropes coming off his collar to hold him in place, and becoming a horror movie (sick humor not a reality, just a thought)…

I ended up back at the veterinarian’s office, another cone, and this time instead of tying it on I looped his actual collar through! The problem the first time was he pulled it off and than chewed it to death so we couldn’t put it back on him. And this time he is chewing the inside, which I’ll do a simple fix tonight. In the mean time he is on a sedative to help calm him down. THANK GOD

$226 to fix (with that $20 cone)
$38 for inflatable cone
$42 for another cone and sedatives

I think if we were keeping score the dog is winning… and I still have 5-12 days of fighting with him, just he’ll heal… so forgive me if I am at a point of literally crying!!!

Cooper Ate the Collar

Well… Cooper ate his collar and now has to wear a doughnut around his neck!

This dog is bent on costing as much as he can, he ate the twenty dollar cone from the Vet, and now wears a doughnut that cost around forty. I was left at home, to hold the dog on his leash inside, fighting him basically, while hubby ran to the pet store (after hours so no option of his vet). I think I was more frustrated by having to fight the dog, to not lick and mess with his booboo…

I have to laugh, because this must be his way of getting me back, for him getting neutered?

I will say, I don’t know how durable a cone you must blow up, is going to last. More so the entertainment of who thought of this invention. But, for whatever reason, they were out of cones in his size. He’s my baby, and I’ll need to make this all up to him… so going to try that local doggie daycare, and not only treat him, but take the chance to check it out… so when we’re off doing our thing (where dogs are not allowed) I’m not worried about him being miserable.  

Had to call the Vet, because no where in the paperwork does it say... how long to wear this??? How long do I need to fight the fur-person??? 10-14 days... better not eat this new one, and I'm not feeling so sure since it is like a blow up tube

Friday, June 15, 2012

Cooper’s Cone (of shame)

Cooper is officially fixed, as of yesterday, and he’s taking pain pills today. He’s been “super whiner”, trying to keep him from running around the house or jumping on beds, and thanks to the soft food (to get pain pills down)… he smells like cat food!!! ~*Eeewww*~

I plan to have him try the doggie day care, as a reward, and take the time to be able to check it out for our own future trips. The only true positive about being fixed is the fact he can do most doggie daycares. Which will come in handy, when we hit the Monterey Bay Aquarium, people beaches, and various other activities with our human kids. I just hope this doggie daycare is really good!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Doggie Park

Today I made it a point to get Cooper to a dog park! I figure this coming Thursday he’ll be getting fixed, so he might want to get in some time to play. I watched as he ran, jumped, played, and enjoyed being a dog with other dogs.

While at the dog park, he lifted his leg to pee for a second, third, and fourth time. I fully understand that is a dog’s way of “marking” but he’s never done anything of the sort at home much less inside our home. And that is something that I read happens in a dog of any size isn’t fixed. I just can’t see how it’ll have an impact towards the positive, having him fixed, other than not being able to make puppies.

On a positive note, when I took him out, he actually sat like a gentleman when Gypsie (the cat) approached. And that cat was trying to gain his attention, walking in front of him, flicking of the tail at him, and he even impressed a neighbor with his “good manners”. He is a lab, only seven months old, but he’s a really good dog!!!

Maybe it is best that my biggest aspirations for him become “volunteer work” in the future… and forgive me if it “feels” like settling or possibly having regrets in the future.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Found the BUNNY TWIN

When we first brought Cooper home, he invaded my closet, and stole an Easter Bunny. The thing is, there were two, and they were twins, one for each boy (youngest kids). No one ever thought to take Cooper’s brand new love. He took it everywhere with him, even broke his tooth on it, but we for some reason we just couldn’t find the twin to the bunny.

Today we found it in the bottom of the kids’ toy box, while looking for toys to donate!!!

WELL LOVED... frankin-bunny, stitched, and broken, and wouldn't trade the experience for the world.

Still needs mending, but hid him in bottom of Cooper's toy box!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Made Appointment to Get Fixed

I hope that I am making the right decision to get my dog fixed. I guess my fantasy of getting him a wife in the future (black Lab), and having little AKC puppies, was my biggest hurdle to jump. The fact is, even though I am meticulous about certain aspects, the reality is, I have no business thinking I can some day breed him. My biggest aspirations are for him to be trained well enough to do volunteer work in the future. And at the very least be well behaved enough to remain a family dog, loyal to his family, and behaved enough for strangers to pet him (he still jumps up when he’s excited).

I went online today, to research why it is better to not have him fixed, and all I could find were the benefits of him doing the procedure. I heard from a few sources that it was best to wait until a larger breed is at least two years old when they are neutered. How the added testosterone from not being fixed helps with preventing hip dysplasia in larger breeds and greater bone density.

I started to look it up

Why Not to Fix

If it is best to fix a male dog, after becoming sexually mature, than depending on the site dictates which age? I saw on one site that a male dog can be, and actually father puppies, at the age of five months (but best to never breed until 2 years old). The AKC site simply states no breeding until they are two years old, and nothing about best age to fix him with least negative health risks. So are my fears unfounded? I read on one side how fixing him with lead to weight gain, and result in hip/joint issues. And although science does acknowledge the risks, they are so slight, and the positives out weigh the negatives. Am I trying to talk myself out of neutering him? Why did we bother getting him and AKC number?

Labradors do not stop growing until they are around two years old! No wonder other owners of large breeds I’ve talk to choose to fix after their dog is at least 24 months. The trainer Cooper had with Petsmart (puppy and next class, same trainer) looked at me like I was crazy when I mentioned why we wanted to wait until he was two years old.

I would hate to think I am choosing to have him fixed now instead of later for selfish reasons. I not only want more choices of doggie daycares (many require him to be fixed, opposed to being stuck in a kennel while we do amusement parks)… personality to be less hyper and tense… he already cost us $75 to find out the neighbor’s son’s dog (female and not fixed) is in heat and my dog was aroused…

I am absolutely confused, feeling lightheaded, and even if we were to breed him later… the next dog wouldn’t even enter our lives for two years (wit our current set of goals), than 2 years for it to mature fully (making it four years before possible puppies), and than what? Breeding is a fantasy… better to focus on training, volunteer opportunities, and simply settling for being “just a family dog”. I even had a fantasy of studding him out for working dogs, that are trained for the disabled, but I am sure they don't need him...

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Peed like a BOY…

I don’t even understand why this even matters to me, but today Cooper went pee like a boy (lifted his leg)!!! Normally he squats like a little girl, not that there is anything wrong with it. But, just once (and not since), he lifted his leg to a tree at the dog park. I was so excited I had to grab my phone to share with others.


Cooper Passed Intermediate Education

Last night my stomach was literally in knots, wondering if Cooper was going to actually pass his class. We push our human kids to do well academically, while trying to find that balance of being their own person, and I think we feel the same about our dog. We want Cooper to have his own personality, but to want to strive to do/be more, and the only reason we chose to start “training” him is because of our neighbor’s Boxer. I am hoping that he can be as well behaved and trained, and have manners.

I looked over the pamphlet, AKC Canine Good Citizen, and Cooper is not going to be able to achieve that with the path he is currently on. My neighbor, whose dog impressed me enough to go beyond a simple dog, was able to personally train her dog and simply test without any trainers. We’d done the puppy class and intermediate class through Petsmart, and even if we give another six weeks for advanced classes… I am highly doubtful he’ll get to where I’m hoping/praying he’ll get.

Today I took Cooper to the dog park, to help celebrate, and give him a reward. His test last night had him “Heel”, which when I worked with him we did it with a loose leash, because I personally think him not having slack in the leash is like cheating (if the leash is tight do they truly gets heel or are you leading them to do it). He did a “sit/stay” and “down/stay”, which he mastered from the puppy class. I remember working with him on that thinking he’d be tested back than (he wasn’t). I have to say, that even though I don’t think he can go much further in the current settings, it did give us the basics and desire to do even more.

The neighbor’s dog planted the seed, to think Cooper could be capable of being more than a lazy house dog… and Petsmart classes gave us the basics, giving us a foundation towards his future. And after chatting with other dog owners, I can now dream that some day, Cooper just might do actual volunteer work. It is possible for this canine to make the elderly and sick feel better, that he has enough love to give to others, and embracing him has made a difference in my life.

I have always been a cat person, strays even love me, and I can relate to a cat’s personality better than a dog. Dogs will continue to come back even with the worst of owners… and a cat puts up with a lot less and will leave (cats require you to work on the relationship and not simply give food or come home at the end of the day)! When Cooper entered our lives, I immersed myself into his world, and took it on myself to learn as much as I can.

~*Thanks*~ Cooper!!!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Honey Bunny

No matter how big my puppy gets, he’ll always be my “little man”. I love to spoil him, help train/teach him, and know that he offers something to our family that helps complete us.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Love My Dog

I recently read a book, from the perspective of a Veterinarian catching a cab. It is not unusual for a people of certain professions to be asked to look at something, given symptoms and asked advice, or even whimsical stories. I read about a cab driver, whose wife complained about him loving the dog more than her. And the story was well written, but what got to my heart were the core truths of dog ownership. Such as how they always run to greet you, their rear ends wagging not just the tail, and no concept of time. I love how I can return from doing car pool, grocery shopping, or even checking the mail outside and get the same level of excitement from my Cooper.

More so, I love how Cooper is starting to show his affection, and he isn’t like most dogs I’ve ever owned. I’ve had times when I feel especially bad, and even go into my room to be alone, and he’ll follow shortly after me. Now most dogs (or even pets for that matter) would see a person that isn’t feeling that great and snuggle or kiss them (in a vain attempt to cheer them up). Cooper seems to know when to love, and when to literally push a person to force them to stop feeling sorry for themselves. And when he is “pushing”, he’ll continue, until you find yourself back in the common areas of the house and around the other people. Only than does he seem to back off and go back to doing what he’d been doing before you thought you’d go off and sulk (to expel the emotions).

Personally, I prefer to be alone when I am stressed, giving myself a chance to think things through in peace. Whether I am talking to thin air (thinking out loud), writing things down (gratitude journal), or even a pros and con list. And than there are times, when hearing others’ drama and stress physically affect me (hard to not have empathy and care), and I have to detoxify for my own life and family.

Having Cooper has been a blessing and a curse… more of a blessing than not, and he’s intelligent, but it has been hard to not fall head over heels in love with this furr-person! And he is a person in the sense that he is thinking, problem solves, and has his own personality.

He was so well behaved doing his "heel"... thinking tomorrow I'll treat him to a dog park!!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Veterinarian Visit

Yesterday, had been a whirlwind of ups and downs…

First of all, the previous day, I thought Cooper had cut his foot. I saw a spot of blood on his leg near his foot, and I’d checked his paws. I found nothing, and checked him through out the evening, and saw nothing. I even went to his training class explaining how I’d seen nothing since.

Yesterday, I think I can safely state I went into a panic. I saw blood on his private area, on his inner thighs (both sides). My first reaction was to google it, to see how serious it could be. It could be everything from a breeding issue (which he is only 6 months and a virgin), could be a bladder infection, kidney stones, rat poisoning, or even a burr from a wildly grown field caught in the wrong place. My husband thought for sure he bit it, and I was going overboard for nothing.

We got him directly into the veterinarian yesterday (with in a half hour of calling). They checked his private area, and he had no marks or wounds. They checked his gums, no bruising, wet tongue, so that wasn’t the issue. They even took a urine sample to test.

In the end the only logical conclusion is, there is a female dog that is currently in heat and not fixed, locally. The veterinarian explained that when he gets excited, it fills with blood, and I am still unclear how he is actually bleeding. If he were a female dog I would never have had huge alarm bells going off. But, because he lives a sheltered/indoor life I can rule a majority of things out as a cause.

Today we got the call, his urine came back negative, and he is not showing any signs of infection or blood. So, with that being said, it cost me $75 to find out he is “all male”, and hormones of what equates to a human teenager… ~*sigh*~

I am grateful that he is in perfect health, which all is well, but when I verbally state the facts in blunt terms, I can’t help but to blush and break out laughing.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Phoenix Dog Park in Fair Oaks, California

We tried a new park yesterday… figured after the air conditioner was done, we owed him. He was placed in his crate, and after we were the only ones home, I let him loose…. where he ran (literally) from room to room looking for “people” with sheer excitement. Cooper doesn’t seem to understand his jumping up onto people is rude, so he felt like he missed out. And he frantically looked for someone that might still be there to pet him and sweet talk.

My husband heard from a customer about a park, which has grass with no patches of dirt. I was actually looking forward to the possibility of a place I can take him and not have to bath him after. Turns out they still have the doggy pools, and the gentleman claiming to run the park (he had cards for the park’s website and a printed out I.D.) doesn’t exactly allow the pools to be dumped and refilled, stating that it creates mud from the lack of drainage. I have always been a little hyper sensitive when it comes to my puppy. So when I see one dog had a muzzle on and another was drooling a froth, I find it frustrating I can’t possibly save my Cooper from a potential disease.

The man had also gotten onto our children, about “running” and playing with the dogs, stating that running wasn’t allowed. Normally I would leave it at that, but we left after he insisted on literally following the kids, even when he saw they were already be spoken to by us. I might be hyper sensitive when it comes to my dog, but it is creepy to have a grown man literally following my kids to beat us to telling them the man’s self imposed park rules. We will not be returning to Phoenix Dog Park anytime in the future, it was less than welcoming.

I went into this experience with a positive attitude! I thought of the name and the symbolic meaning, and figured it would be a welcome change (a chance to let Cooper run off energy and not bath him every time). And I have to admit, I prefer the first park and it was the best choice! The children enjoy the normal park we attend, they have a blast playing with others people’s dogs and children(throwing balls, blowing bubbles, and Frisbees), and since having a dog and going to more dog parks deprive them of the ability to go to more children/human parks… I prefer a place where the owners are more like us! We are attentive to our pet, we love how our children can run and play with other dogs (helping to alleviate previous fears they once had towards all dogs), and it helps to get the dogs to run/jump/play… hence the reason for going to a dog park. If my dog isn’t running off excess energy after being indoors than a dog park is reduced to who knows whom and about the owners over the dogs. And if I was that desperate to talk to other adults, my dog wouldn’t be my excuse, I’d use Yahoo groups,, and various other resources (even Craig’s List has groups). Unfortunately, I have to admit when this phoenix caught fire is wasn’t born into a new/positive experience but was quickly crossed off our list, and I’m sure I’ll when chatting at other parks pass on our experience to others so they can avoid being treated like lepers. And more so if they do go, this is not a welcoming environment for children.

Monday, May 14, 2012

New Trick

Cooper has been amazing, and he loves to feel like he is doing something and a part of us, so I started to think of just how I can help…

I live in a home with a husband and three sons (wouldn’t trade them for all the fake princesses in the world)… and each one of my boys has the same problem! They’ll take off a shirt or pair of socks, and they don’t seem to make it to the dirty clothes. I am currently working with Cooper to take the dirty clothes to the hamper, and to help me run around cleaning up. “Dirty Clothes, put it in the hamper”.

He’s been a faithful little dog, that sleeps at my feet, and never strays too far from us. I’m hoping this new trick/chore will be something that is done by him like “wake your kids” has been most mornings. The kids now know to get out of bed, or Cooper will lick your face, pull off covers, and step all over you will his big paws in his task to “wake the kids”!!!

~*Crossing Fingers*~ … I am truly hoping with my heart him helping to pick up the dirty clothes is successful too.

As time progresses, I am becoming more confident with Cooper, in my ability to teach him, and I think I am starting to realize that the purpose of the classes at PetsMart has been ultimately for me to learn not him. I’m the one that is to work with him through out the week, and the class time is divided in such a way that other than the initial command they do not invest in him as much as I do. Oh, and I would like to add that the internet, Youtube, and even Comcast’s videos in OnDemand have been helpful/informative. I really enjoyed the “take a bow” Comcast showed months ago, now he does it when he thinks he is being cute not when told.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother’s Day

Every year, I make “Mother’s Day Spoons with Kisses”, and pass them onto others… instead of being selfish in thinking it is all about me.

This year I was forced to make these in red, because it is the only color Michael’s Arts and Craft carries in their store (they made it clear if it wasn’t normally carried on shelves they wouldn’t special order another color). Thankfully I was told where to shop in the future, for more selection and cheaper prices (Roseville area craft shops, and WalMart out there carries them). So, next year when I am doing them for two classrooms, and extras to hand out, I can design around more colors (and separately for the kids’ personal favorites)! ~*Cheers*~

Mother’s Day is not just about the mother… if the kids are happy so is she! The early morning was spent making Cooper tired, took him to a dog park, and let him run and play until he was too tired to move. Unfortunately any and all visits to a dog park mean bathing him, he loves the pools and laying wet in dry dirt, and he is a magnet to all mud puddles. The blessing is that after he is bathed and smells like a coconut again… he takes an actual nap!

The remainder of my day was a blessing, spent with my husband and kids, gifts were thoughtful, and in and out from one thing to the next. I wish that I could say that there was something different and special, but it wasn’t far off from how we normally live. We all enjoy doing little things for each other, giving thoughtful gifts, and no matter how much we give it comes back in return.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Cooper is Learning

I remember when we first brought Cooper home, he was a tiny little thing, and I could hold him in my arms… now if he is strong enough that I wouldn’t trust my kids to walk him and not loose the leash (they’ve never walked him).

I don’t regret taking on more training classes, I just think he’d benefit more from us, and the trainer we hope to get him with in the future (they take him 24/7 for two weeks and he’ll be returned to us completely trained). I’m not seeing where he’ll progress in his current training classes, and nothing we’ve not been already doing with him. A huge part of me wants to drop out and reclaim my Friday nights, but I’ll at the least see it through to the end. I’m not as happy this time around with “Cooper’s Class”. Thankfully there aren’t too many left.

I’ve been looking into more dog parks, much like I do with the human kids, to keep things fresh. Different dogs to socialize with, different owners to chat with and new experiences for Cooper. I keep a list of children’s parks in the car for the kids, lists of spraygrounds (with addresses), and yes even stores to spoil our furry child!

Surprisingly the biggest learning moments with Cooper have come from other owners. And it frustrates me that other people don’t need a class to have well behaved dogs! The most I can do is smile, take mental notes, and joke that I hope their well behaved dogs rub off on my dog (much like how allowing a human kid to play with the right kids can help reinforce our ethics/teachings). I think even after this set of classes is done, I won’t do any more, but I will make it a point to keep working with him on his “manners”, and do research on how to get him to stop jumping on people. The biggest issue he has is his over excitement with people he likes, jumping up on them (we’ve been using the commend “OFF” since down means to lay down), and his paws (which he doesn’t realize are not the size of a Chihuahua). He doesn’t bite, growl, or even bark. He thinks everyone is his friend, everyone loves him, and they all want to play with him. He also thinks he is smaller than he actually is, and will still try to sit in my lap (I’ve gotten bruises on my thighs from him jumping up into my lap on the couch).

But I can’t stay mad at my furry-faced child!!! The few flaws that he might have are not as bad as other dogs. Much like the minor complaints that I have with my human kids, when I compare them to their peers, I find that I am grateful in the end for the blessings that I do have. Much like how I can watch the relationships others have, and come home feeling blessed that I am not living their lives. At the end of the day when I drift off into that vast imagination we call dreams, I am married to my best friend, my children are all I envisioned (healthy, intelligent, thriving, and good people)… and my dog is as I remind myself only six months and doing well (he’s intelligent and learns fast, and in some cases my children take up all my time and he comes through as if I’d actually worked with him to do as he is supposed to).

Monday, May 7, 2012

Cooper Killed the Frog

Cooper stole another plushie from the kids… A FROG!!!

He enjoyed his new temptation, as he ran from the kids, in the far crevasses under their beds they dare not crawl to reach him…

He’d come out into the common areas, and taunt us all, daring us to take his new conquest (he stole the frog)! 

Eventually we all gave in, let him keep his prize, and are simply thankful it was… just a plushie.

By the end of the day, he managed to break it (an eye ripped forward and in such a way it can’t be sewn). COOPER KILLED THE FROG... ~*Giggles*~

And he has over time become less destructive, he no longer cares about cords as he rests under the computer desks, he seems to know what he can take and get away with, and he has come a long ways since he entered our lives. We even trust him to be home alone, without being stuck in his crate, and he’s yet to prove us wrong in trusting him. Most of the time he stays by the front door, sleeping, and waits for us to return home.

It amazes me how much Cooper has learned, changes he’s undergone (from the tiny puppy to current teenage years), and the differences in the roughly five months he’s been in our lives. He was blessed to be the only student in his puppy class, and to be honest as much as I dislike a spotlight on myself he probably benefited from the extra time spent on him. He learns things pretty fast, and I’d had him recall things I didn’t work with him on (as if I had), so he is capable of more (he is intelligent). He enjoys his job of “wake the kids” in the morning, he loves to please others, and why simply being mad and having it show through in my voice has curbed most behaviors we don’t like… just can’t stop him from rudely jumping on people he likes for attention. I’ll probably need to research that one, his current class is focused on heel, go to your bed, and basics (won't teach him what I need)… but I wonder if we can walk down the street and he gets the chance for petting/love without jumping up onto others (since "down" means to lay down we've been saying "off" to help teach). “Leave it” works just fine, but I don’t want to him to than think he isn’t to get any attention and fear others (still doing dog parks for social and he doesn’t jump on people there while off leash).

Friday, April 27, 2012

Cooper is Blue

Whenever we go away from the house, or to bed at night, Cooper goes to his crate…

Well, we stuck Cooper in his crate, ran errands, and when we came back we noticed his front paws, mouth, and one side of his rear he sits on was blue. Apparently one of the kids must have put a marker either in his crate or near it (to be pulled in).

I laughed while talking to my husband… figured if anyone asks, I’ll just say he was eating Smurfs! ~*Giggles*~

Bit me in the butt/box

I have a bad habit, of giving Cooper a box, to play with and break apart (it gets him from under my feet for a few moments)… so when today’s events happened, hubby was right, it was all my fault.

The teacher asked me if I could stamp the inside of each book, wrap it, and keep it a secret from my son (her student).

It didn’t take me long to do the task at hand, and I was happy, and got through it pretty quick!

When I came home, I had set the diaper bag and box on the couch, grabbed the contents, and went to work in the other room (up and away from Cooper who is 5 months old). I walked into the living room after I was done, something looked off and it took me a moment to realize… he ate the box!


On a positive note, the portion (books, stamp, ink, wrapping) that was important, remained safer than my child’s home work (he only ate his homework once, thank God).

I joked with hubby, over the phone, as he reminded me I am the one that allowed the bad behavior (the box the two gallons of milk come in, hubby’s soda boxes, etc.)… is why it “came back to bite me in the box (rear)”…

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Baby Tooth

This is NOT his first tooth, but it is the only baby tooth I have!!! I was extremely excited today to actually catch it hanging to the gum. I was playing with him, Kong Stick, fetch. I literally pinned the puppy down, and tried my best to grip the tiny tooth (his right, bottom, canine tooth).

At one point I was trying to get Cooper to stay still, to tie a piece of string, it was barely hanging on and his drool was preventing me from using my finger. That of course didn’t work, because the tooth would go back into the hole it created while coming out, and it is so tiny the string kept slipping back off. So much for the approach I’ve seen some parents do on TV with normal kids…

When that stopped working, I tried my best to grip the bottom of the tooth (where it used to hang into the gums), I figured it was jagged… IT WORKED!!! Now I have a baby tooth to add to his baby book!!! I am pretty sure previous baby teeth have either been vacuumed up or swallowed.

This means a lot to me because Cooper is like one of my children, and he’s the boys’ first dog… but thankfully, even if I wasn’t afforded this small blessing, he is in enough family photos that he’ll be remembered and talked about with my future grandchildren.

(small note: I can’t wait for his next set of classes to start! The trainer is amazing and gifted with her profession, and I look forward to a dog that can be loved by others. Right now his biggest issue is that he gets hyper and jumps on people, and I think it is “naughty/rude”.)

Alligator Baby Momma

This past month, Cooper has picked up a new hobby/habit, which can only be described as “Alligator Baby Momma”…

He picks up a snail, and gently holds the poor creature in his mouth, careful to never hurt it. The snail in the mean time is trying to act like a turtle and go back into its shell, and he is please with simply carrying his new baby.

I now find myself when taking him out trying to throw the snails back into the bushes before he realizes it is there. I feel bad for the poor snails, but I also don’t want to find them slithering through my home.

Monday, April 9, 2012

~*Cooper’s First Easter*~

Cooper is a part of our family, which means we had to as a family… do things that he enjoys! He got a ducky that says “My First Easter”, all we could find.

We made our way to a dog park by the end of the day, to give Cooper something he enjoys. He ended up for the first time being attacked, a Doberman had him pinned down (didn’t actually hurt him), but the owner freaked out (hitting his own dog). He yipped, ran and hid over my legs, and was clearly scared to death! He wasn’t actually hurt; he was getting his rear chewed for trying to get a bigger dog to play… Cooper hasn’t quite figured out the “dog language”. And he has run from a Yorkie in the past that was tugging at its leash and acting very aggressive. Cooper is not hostile or violent in any way shape or form (he runs the opposite direction, he is the gentle giant).

Cooper seems to think that everyone, and everything, is a friend… he up until Easter Sunday, never met anyone that he didn’t like. He spent the remainder of his time at the dog park avoiding the Doberman that pinned him down. The owner was amazing, and responsible. He even re-checked Cooper after all calmed down… made sure there were no marks, not hurt, and let us know he was “sorry”.

Apparently when his dog was little, it was attacked at the dog park, and it has had issues with dogs that continually get into its personal space. My husband stated to me after we got home that if a dog has known issues it should be integrated with other dogs, and I can see his point, thank God nothing horrible happened (Cooper is the kids’ first dog, and they witnessed it all). My side is this, if the dog has issues with personal space, and the man was constantly with/near his dog, what better way to help it face fears and become a better dog than to be there? I am just grateful Cooper is well adjusted, for the most part behaved, and on his way to being the perfect family member for our family.

Every dog is different, much like human kids, and each one gives us different lessons in life and challenges to face!

Friday, April 6, 2012


Once the chaos of the holidays have passed, Cooper will start his new classes... I have hoping he is as well behaved as the neighbor's dog. Might need an added set of classes, he is after all young (and shorter attention span). You can tell when he remembers or really likes someone, he gets really excited, and hyper!!! Thankfully I can still count those on my one hand, otherwise I'd have more of a handful...

I tried having him "sit", learn to control himself, and keeping him "calm"... he is a gentleman in the making! ~*Cheers*~

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Furr-tography at DogPark

~*Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012*~

Apparently my husband thought it would be a good idea if I took the puppy to the dog park today. His thinking was that after a few days the ground shouldn’t be too wet and before the next round of rain hits… Mud puddles we all over!

It wasn’t long before Cooper pounced in the puddles, rooted with almost half his face, and plopped down in the middle of a few… had to keep hosing him off while there.

Cooper ignored the bubbles that his kids were blowing, and found a pair of hounds, and they all barked at squirrels.

Before long, Cooper was going from dog to dog, and having the time of his life! He was roughhousing, chasing, and mainly being chased. He ran after long forgotten balls and frisbees… and once home he got a bath (now smells like a coconut)!!!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Graduated "puppy Class"

This week Cooper graduated his “puppy class”!!! ~*Cheers*~

He can officially “sit”, “stay”, “down” (lay down), “drop it”, “leave it”, and more!!!

Now he’ll be starting his next set, “intermediate”, where he’ll learn to do all with distractions, new commands (like going to lay when someone knocks on the door). I am excited to be investing into a dog that will be well mannered for years to come… and a best friend to us all.

Cooper has been a character... but we love him and wouldn't trade him!!! ~*Hugs*~