Thursday, January 26, 2012

Almost Forgot

Cooper got his second set of shots today, and second fecal sample turned in (we'll get results by phone tomorrow, his Vet is awesome).

Devil Dog Struck AGAIN

Devil Dog Struck AGAIN
Thursday, January 26th, 2012

Cooper Ate his halter… amazed me too!!!

Yesterday, I kept taking the piece on his chest out of his mouth, and I didn’t want to put it on him too tight, and he was absolutely defiant. He almost chewed through it, and had to use the collar we bought for the purpose of simply holding his tags. Which by the way he hates a normal collar… and I still need to go to the store and buy a new halter.

Chew-Baca has struck again!!! But not before he chewed my shoe!!! So, the rubber on the bottom of my shoe is just lovely looking on the side.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Cooper with His Kid

This is Cooper with one of his kids… He is the one that wanted/chose a male, yellow lab. I was hoping for a female black lab (more tummy to rub/scratch). But, I will admit, that when we first came across Cooper it was the first time in my life I was excited by the words, “It’s a boy”.  

Of course he is playing with his Leapster while Cooper snuggles into the side of him on the couch… I think he is well aware that this is “his kid”


Monday, January 23rd, 2012… “Happy Chinese New Year”!!! May the year of the dragon bring us all prosperity!!! ~*Indeed*~

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Cooper... My lesson in Life!

This little “sharp tooth” child entered my life to offset my sharp tongue and hubby’s quick wit. But in the process of this fury person entering our lives, I think we are learning more about ourselves…

At times this little puppy can be like a two year old! He chews on rocks and grass (sticking things in his mouth that do not belong), loves the sound of paper ripping as he tears apart news papers (doesn't eat, just rips)… but he teaches us lessons we never thought we’d learn from someone that doesn’t even speak our language.

Cooper is more than the fur that hold him together, the teeth he incisively chews everything and everyone with… He is Cooper! And he has become my lesson to learn from in life!!!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Cooper is a Kitty

I didn’t know whether to laugh or have fear for my cords! Cooper climbed into my desk, got on top of the CD tub, and soon fell asleep. It reminded me of when we had a cat (Sebastian) and he’d do the same thing.

I think Cooper makes a cute Kitty!!! ~*Giggles*~

Thursday, January 19, 2012

~*Thank God*~

Cooper wasn’t supposed to see the Vet. Until next week, but they moved it up a week because of his tooth breaking yesterday. I was told over the phone he could be seen, and get all done today, but will need to go back in a week just for the shots. He did the micro chipping, exam, and even a look at that tooth.

Thank God all is sorta fine? He won’t need surgery, no need for anti-biotics, and just see if he is hurting (to bring him back in). My stomach was in knots, and I would have felt more at ease with medication at least, and hoping he isn’t “suffering in silence” like those I read about online yesterday (when it happened before getting him in). I’m still ending up with cuts on my fingers as I retrieve rocks he likes to chew (saying “drop it” doesn’t help), yes even after the fact, so if he were in actual pain I would think he’d stop that horrible little game if tricking my fingers into his mouth?!?!

I was fully prepared for this dog, that hasn’t been cheap, to cost a small fortune. I looked online and it can cost $150-$600 depending on the tooth, and whether an adult or baby tooth! Thank you God… just hoping that the right thing/choices were made! He’s like another child to me.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Cooper Broke a Tooth!!!

Wednesday, January 18th, 2012

The only way to get Cooper to “wind down” when he gets hyper, is to play fetch with his favorite bunny (he stole it from my closet, used to be an Easter Bunny). I had done it a few time, tossing the bunny down the hall, and he’d fetch it trotting back with it tripping up his feet. On one occasion I was trying to get him to “drop it”, and I’ve even had to blow on his nose to get him to let go, but this time he chipped a tooth. I immediately felt physically ill, called the Veterinarian’s office. His appointment for next week was pushed to tomorrow morning.

So, we’ll go in tomorrow morning, he’ll get shots and the micro chipping (fecal sample which is gross included in that). But the woman explained that it will save me the $40 fee to have the Vet. Look, he’ll need antibiotics, but we’ll find out what it costs when a puppy plays ruff?

I have scars on my hands and arms from his nipping, and bruising/chew marks from the last time he went to snap back for his bunny and caught the back of my arm. Than was easier, when he gets that bad, I get up and walk away… I refuse to play with a biter!

I am still a bit freaked out, and while walking him, he decided to chew on rocks?!?! Hello, and cost me for any others he breaks… I don’t think so! Hurt retrieving them from his little mouth, but worth it to save him from breaking another. And with that thought, I pay good money on his puppy food… and he eats grass, dirt, and chews on rocks.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

He Who Eats Books

Apparently I am not the only one that has an appetite for good literature! I usually leave a few books in the diaper bag, which come in handy while waiting to pick up car pool. I almost always set my bag by my desk, and pick it up before heading out the door, and Cooper decided to teeth on my books!

I have an un-canning ability to start reading a book, set it down, and even if it takes a few years to pick it back up… I remember and it is as if I never set it down. These days I’ve been reading the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series because they are short and touching. I guess this means when I am done reading them I won’t be passing them to anyone else to read since these two are now in such poor shape. I rarely ever read a book more than once and I like to share and pass on a good book, he’s taken away my chance to do something positive!

Cooper is truly a smart dog… he can sit when told, he can shake a paw/hand, he is potty trained, and learns most things fast… only negative thing about him is his chewing and biting! I am counting down the days to his puppy classes!!! And sure the scars he is creating on my flesh will stop multiplying once he is taught better? At least stop going after my four-year-old, that now climbs furniture as if the floor is hot lava! Poor kid…

Monday, January 16, 2012

Cooper’s Nails

Well, we’re still working on touching his paws with our hands. I’m guessing it’ll be a while before we can “do his nails”.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Kong Chew

Cooper has many toys, some to help with his teething like the teething ring and Kong, but he is a little too smart…

He hasn’t had interest in the Kong ball since the first week we bought it. On one of the trips to see if another product would help with his chewing and nipping, I noticed they have cheese whiz stuff and peanut butter to stick in the Kong. Well, he’s not “chewing” it like he is supposed to; he just licking out whatever is inside of the thing! Kind of defeats the purpose!!!

He is so smart in so many ways… he is basically potty trained, he sits when told, he can even play fetch (ten weeks old)… but he just can’t stop nipping and biting (I’m getting scars from his razor sharp teeth, and holes in my pants when he gets hyper and snaps grabbing my clothes). If his “puppy class” helps with that he’d be a perfect puppy… I want a “Kissing Cooper” not fear he’ll chew my face!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Dr. Pepper

Cooper is a lot like a two year old, he would much rather play with the box…and he did!!!

Friday, January 13th, 2012… Happy Friday the 13th!!!

Cooper’s Stick

Cooper… the “Super Duper Pooper” brought in a stick! This is his stick, there might be many like it, but this one is his!!!

And it was just too adorable to pass up snapping a few pictures, little Cooper was just too proud of his stick!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I wonder…

I had a weird thought the other day, and hopefully it brings a chuckle…

We trained Cooper to ring his bells, and go by the front door when he needs to go potty. Keeping that in mind, I went for a walk the other day, and noticed many people in our neighborhood hang wind chimes. And I had the odd thought, that I wondered when he heard those (dogs’ ears are more sensitive), does it make him wanna tinkle? ~*Giggles*~

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Cooper’s Nails Were Done

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012… Got Cooper’s nails done yesterday! Basically he has a huge thing for sunflower seeds, he’d take them as fast as I could shell them, and when I tried to get some for myself his little paws hurts pawing into my lap.

Thankfully it is cheap, $11.50 to clip them, and apparently they weren’t considered to be all that long. The first woman asked me if my husband had a dremle, which he doesn’t (we own no power tools). She explained they go for about $20, and table flour helps better than “Kwik-Stop” (the kwik stop supposedly burns). The second woman showed me the clippers that look like pliers, and wrote the proper spelling for the yellow powder (Kwik-stop) to use. The second woman also let me know to grab “Nylabone” for his constant chewing.

I decided to combine their advice, I like the idea of the dremle, and considering I take extra precautions with the kids (I use the forehead thermometer over the one doctors’ stick in the wrong place)… flour! The nylabone turned out to be a really bad idea! He chewed it down to a choking hazard faster than anything we’ve ever given to him. He still has his original teething toys (and still in really good condition). So, I stuck a little peanutbutter inside of his Kong, but instead of chewing it… he just licked inside of the hole. Smart dog!!!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

~*Cute Cooper*~

Cooper is only going to be a puppy for so long… so taking a ton of pictures! This way I’ll remember we love him when he does something naughty?!?!?!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Chew-Baca… AKA Cooper

Friday, January 6th, 2012

I am fully aware that puppies chew everything, but this little guy does it super fast, while watching him? It’s like he knows he is going after something he isn’t supposed to have, so he’ll lunge at it and do it as fast as he can… and those tiny teeth are like razors!!!

First he ate the cords for the hunting game, while the kids were in the process of playing their game!!!

Than he saw the cord for the keyboard hanging, literally jumped, and the small mouthful of wire killed the keyboard… “drop it”, and that single bite killed the keyboard?!?!

This morning was all my fault. I took Cooper out to go potty, came back inside, and he made his way to our bedroom while I was making the kids’ lunches for school. I don’t know if I was more freaked he ate the cords for the kids’ game system, or that the red piece was missing. I think I ended up less upset in the end, when I found the missing piece, because that is a visit to the Vet, and costs I don’t need right now to remove what I would hope he couldn’t swallow? Chew-Baca struck again, and I can’t be too mad at him because we should know better! Thankfully the cords are sold separately at game stores. But I’d already made our bedroom a safe place, away from the nipping puppy, to play videogames and have cords down… and not live in fear of Cooper!

And he has a ton of toys, some he stole from the kids, but they seemed to pass them down (rabbit from Easter and Monkey from Marine World). He has an actual toy box, toys scattered all over, and even toys in his crate.

I’m really looking forward to when his puppy classes start!!! I actually thought the most he’d need were the potty training classes, but we’re doing just fine with that, and he’s at nine weeks going to the door (whines and rings the bells).

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year… Sunday, January 1st, 2012

I took the huge bone, from the center of the Christmas ham, and after getting the remainder of the meat off… froze the bone for Cooper!!! I know he needs to watch his diet and what he eats, but he isn’t getting much if anything off of it, and exerting more energy for the “taste” he gets from licking. If every day of the year were a diet, life would be miserable, and most days will be normal (today is a “Happy New Year”)…

We brought ours’ in with ham hocks and black eyed peas… BRING GOOD LUCK!!! 2012!!! Hopefully it is prosperous for us all!!!