Friday, March 23, 2012

Graduated "puppy Class"

This week Cooper graduated his “puppy class”!!! ~*Cheers*~

He can officially “sit”, “stay”, “down” (lay down), “drop it”, “leave it”, and more!!!

Now he’ll be starting his next set, “intermediate”, where he’ll learn to do all with distractions, new commands (like going to lay when someone knocks on the door). I am excited to be investing into a dog that will be well mannered for years to come… and a best friend to us all.

Cooper has been a character... but we love him and wouldn't trade him!!! ~*Hugs*~

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Irish Blessing

I made the graphic, and tried to pass it on various social sites, thinking it could go viral on Saint Patrick's Day... may we all partake in the "Luck 'O The Irish"...

Paw-T of Gold

~*Happy Saint Patrick’s Day*~
Saturday, March 17th, 2012

I have been going through a journey of life, shared by Cooper, as he officially has his first two grown up teeth (earlier this week)!!! His front, top, two teeth are officially in, and two next to those on his left missing…

I’ve managed to get through potty training, all his shots, and puppy classes!

He now knows how to sit, down, stay, shake, high five, and unfortunately fighting walking properly on my left. Apparently he is trying to be dominating, from what the trainer says. I’ll be happy if he turns into a gentleman, doesn’t get overly excited and jump on strangers, and I’ve been working with his walking. I make him sit when I see a person or another dog being walked, and I squat down next to him, and rub his chest to help remind him to calm down and give lovin’ instead of nipping and jumping.

I know that he is becoming attached to me, he has over the past week started to follow me, and he’ll lay somewhere close. If I am in the living room he’ll lay on his side of the couch, when at my computer he lays at my feet (warm and cozy), and when I am doing the dishes he lays in front of the kitchen sink. I am more than willing to reach down and rub his head, scratch his back, and tell him I love him… he’s my baby!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Cooper’s New Toy Box

I received a phone call yesterday, to pick something up, “Cooper’s new toy box”!!!

I was using a wicker basket previously, that Cooper liked to chew on, so I was in desperate need of something that was a lot more sturdy and solid!!! ~*Cheers*~

The cutest site is from behind, as Cooper dives into his new toy box, and his belly flattens along the edge. He has to place his front paws in to reach most things he enjoys, but over time I am certain this will endure over what we were using. And I love the fact it has a lid, so we can hide his stuff…

Sunday, March 4, 2012

New Experiences

~*Yesterday*~... and now we're all "dog tired", but had a blast between fishing in the pond, the dog park, and even the playground there!!!

Cooper looked over the pond, and the boys all fished, and watched the many different kinds of bird species.

Than as the boys were feeding the goats, Cooper enjoyed trying to meet and greet, while they ignored him for the food from the kids! The kids had a blast, no fear what so ever, and Cooper didn’t seem too comfortable with the goats near his kids (he’d try and get between them).

There was a section that was designated as a “dog park”, but not like most we’ve seen. It had plenty of space, properly secured so they don’t accidentally escape, and one whole wall of fence backed up to huge horses (compared to lil Cooper).

Cooper had no problem getting a drink, or playing in the mud it created after…

Cooper never barked at the horses, he’d try to run back and forth to get their attention, but they had no interest in him at all.

Cooper ended his time, bug hunting, and playing with his kids.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Ear Infection News

Well, got Cooper in yesterday to the Vet, where they did a Cytology, let us know it was more yeast than bacterial. Apparently this is common with his breed (all dogs really). I have to wonder how many people are like me, thinking ear mites, and end up making the problem much worse. I made it worse, by using the cleaning solution from the veterinarian’s office, and even though they said to not let the tip touch to prevent if it is an infection (took three people to hold him, so not possible).

Now he’ll be doing eardrops, Tresaderm, 6 in each ear and two on that part that is now inflamed on his ear (scratching). He does the drops two times a day, than we do the cleaning stuff every other day.

I am so glad that I called the Vet’s office before I started to do things like “olive oil”. Which I would have because it seems natural. After many years of having cats, it looked like ear mites to me. I think from now on I will look at the two different worlds (cats and dogs) with a fresh set of eyes. From the difference in their play, to the issues each has, and even how to live with each kind of species.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Cooper’s Third Class

This morning Cooper decided to bring the pad and baby blanket from his crate to his side of the couch. I figured he was just trying to get comfortable as he took his morning nap… ~*Adorable*~

Cooper had another class, and this time his classmate was MIA (missing in action)…

Cooper at least didn’t embarrass me too badly, so I am thankful for that, with his classmate missing it kind of places him as the only other student in the spotlight. He did much better with his walking, left side, and much less pulling and fit throwing (he did an alligator roll last time fighting for freedom). This time he was learning “drop it” and “leave it”.

What he learned in class would have come in handy the night we decided to make chicken salads for dinner! I dropped the entire container of cherry tomatoes, and he was trying to eat them up faster than I could pick them up, and I had to hold him and yell for someone to get the dog! At the time I freaked out, using Yahoo to search, “can dogs eat tomatoes”? I think he managed in that short time frame to snatch up four or five tomatoes!!!

The good thing about Cooper is that he usually only does a “naughty” thing once at home, thank God!!! Such as the keyboard cord, he did that once, we said “no” (he knew we were mad, tone of voice), and now he can sleep under my husband’s desk. He sometimes sleeps at his feet, with the cord moving around (keyboard and mouse), or even simply under there alone. So I have been pretty lucky that he learns certain things quickly (boundaries of chewing). Only thing he doesn’t get a clue about, “do not chew and rip up the toilet paper”, and especially not off the roll/wall. He never swallows anything he chews up, he spits it back out, but I think he likes the chaos of the mess it makes.

I would like to add that I am thankful that Cooper managed to get some one on one time with the teacher/trainer, I feel uncomfortable in life about being placed in a spotlight of any kind, and I am hoping they are there next week! I like being able to between the two dog currently in the class see the reactions of the puppies, how it is handled, and teaches me how to basically “do homework” at home. I gained the most insight on how to teach “leave it”, compared to making him sit across the room, placing a treat somewhere, than saying “ok” so he runs and eats it. I think I need the class more than he does so I know how and what I am doing.